In this section are represented the electronic versions of scientific researches about Turkic peoples, Turkic languages, literary and folklore memorials.

For adequate reading, printing and processing materials represented on the page it is necessary to copy the fonts contained in section Fonts  and install on your computer.

All files, if it is not stipulated especially, formatted in Microsoft Word 6.0 / Windows 95.


Alexander Garkavets. A Convergention of Armeno-Qypchaqian to Slavonic Languages in 16-17th Centuries: Александр Гаркавец. Конвергенция армяно-кыпчакского языка к славянским в ХVI-XVII вв. Киев: Наукова думка, 1979. – 100 стр.

A file in Russian: Convergentia.pdf (8686 Kb).


Alexander Garkavets. Qypchaq languages: Cuman and Armeno-Qypchaq

According to the monograph:

Александр ГАРКАВЕЦ. Кыпчакские языки: куманский и армяно-кыпчакский. – Алма-Ата: Издательство "Наука" АН КазССР, 1987.– 223 стр.

Author's interpretation with insignificant additions.

Files Qyp-yaz1.doc (123 Kb) or Qyp-yaz1.zip (30 Kb). Formatted in Microsoft Word 8.0 / Windows XP.


Alexander Garkavets. Turkish languages in Ukraine: Александр Гаркавец. Тюркские языки на Украине (Развитие структуры).- Киев: Наукова думка, 1988. – 176 стр.

Файл: Файл: Turk_Languages_in_Ukraine_1988.pdf, (24150 Kb).


Armeno-Qypchaq language and Written Monuments
            A review by Dr. Alexander Garkavets.


North Azovian Urums - Greeks Speaking Turkic Language
A review by Dr. Alexander Garkavets.



Armenian-Qypchaq Psalter written by deacon Lussig from Lviv, 1575/1580 / Ed. by A.Garkavets, E.Khurshudian.– Almaty: Desht-i-Qypchaq, 2001.– 656 pp.

Alexander Garkavets and Eduard Khurshudian published the monument in September 2001 according to manuscripts from the Austrian national library, Vienna, Cod. Arm. 13 and from Library of the National museum, Chartorysky Branch in Krakow, Poland, the manuscript 3546/III.

Introduction in English. Files Ps-in-en.doc (33 Kb) or Ps-in-en.zip (13 Kb).

Introduction in Russian. Files Ps-in-ru.doc (37 Kb) or Ps-in-ru.zip (15 Kb).

Meratsutiun (Introduction in Armenian). Files Ps-in-ar.doc (35 Kb) or Ps-in-ar.zip (15 Kb).


The book is finished with an article of Alexander Garkavets “Mysterious Ukrainian Armenians who spoke, wrote and prayed Qypchaq and 400 years ago have printed first-ever Qypchaq book”.

The article is an author's statement of introductory article to the book: Вiрмено-кипчацькi рукописи в Українi, Вiрменiї, Росiї: Каталог. – Київ: Українознавство, 1993 (Armeno-Qypchaq manuscripts in Ukraine, Armenia, Russia: Catalogue. Kyiv: Ukrainoznavstvo, 1993. - 328 pp.; in Ukrainian).

Files in Russian: Ms-ar-ru.doc (88 Kb) или Ms-ar-ru.zip (35 Kb).


Alexander Garkavets. North Azovian Urums: Олександр Гаркавець. Уруми Надазов’я: Iсторiя, мова, казки, пiснi, загадки, прислiв'я, писемнi пам'ятки.– Алма-Ата: Український культурний центр, 1999.– 624 с.  (Azovian Urums: History, language, fairy-tales, songs, riddles, proverbs, written monuments. Alma-Ata: Ukrainian Culture Centre, 1999. - 624 pp. - The scientific article in Ukrainian, the texts in Urum).

Introduction and texts files: Urum-int.doc (3.247 Kb) или Urum-int.zip (442 Kb).












Олександр Гаркавець. Урумський словник.– Алматы: Баур, 2000.– 632 с. (Urum dictionary. -  Alma-Ata: Baur, 2000. - 632 pp. - Urum-Ukrainian).

Files Urum-dic.doc (3.931 Kb) или Urum-dic.zip (1.437 Kb).












The web-site was open on the 18 September 2001.
© Composition, contents, design: Alexander Garkavets, 2001-2011
© Center of Eurasian Studies "Desht-i Qypchaq", 2001-2006